Annual & Sustainability Report 2024
The Annual & Sustainability Report of Landsbankinn provides an insight into the Bank’s services to individuals and companies, new digital service solutions and sustainability as well as human resources and equality.
Customers with Smart Savings
Aukakrónur collected
Lending to corporates
Assets under management
Users of Landsbankinn's app
757 new merchant acquiring customers
Landsbankann's acquiring service has become a strong market contender with robust technological solutions and first-rate service.
of pension agreements in the app
Ellí answers
The chatbot Ellí handles 60% of queries in the web chat and 88% of customers who leave feedback give Ellí the thumbs up.
Ever-better app
We continued to add features to Landsbankinn's app, aiming to make the Bank's service ever more user friendly. Use of the app is growing and user satisfaction is high.
apartments financed by us
of foreign funding is green

Icelandic households and businesses depend heavily on economic stability and it is equally important to maintain strong conditions for value creation domestically to promote prosperity.

Landsbankinn’s operation was successful in 2024 and the Bank achieved all key objectives spanning customer service, financial performance and operations. We remain committed to providing first-rate service through our app and digital solutions, as well as through our branches across Iceland.
The profit of Landsbankinn in 2024 was ISK 37.5 billion after taxes, compared with ISK 33.2 billion in 2023. After-tax return on equity for 2024 was 12.1%, compared with 11.6% the previous year.
Profit (ISKbn)
Return on equity
Capital ratio
At the core of Landsbankinn’s strategy, Landsbankinn, an ever-smarter bank, is the objective to simplify life for customers by offering more accessible, secure yet personal banking services.
In 2024, we continued to introduce new features in Landsbankinn’s app, making the Bank’s services even more user-friendly and accessible.
We are leading in sustainability, an ambitious participant in public debate on economic affairs and an active publisher on varied informative topics.
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