Solid support around the country
We participate in various projects that encourage development and progress in society. The Bank’s policy is to have a positive impact on society and we look to supporting both sports, culture and the arts, in addition to sustainability initiative, charities and education. We publish an extensive selection of content on the economy and focus on education and public debate about finances with the aim of stimulating discussion and contributing to public knowledge.

Funds and grants
The goal of the Bank’s funds is to support projects that we consider likely to enrich Icelandic society for the future. Dedicated judging panels, made up of experts in each field, many of whom are independent of the Bank, review the applications and the application process is both transparent and professional.

Community Fund and scholarships
Landsbankinn's Community Fund is key to our support for the community. In 2024, scholarships were awarded in the amount of ISK 6 million and community grants in the amount of ISK 15 million - a total of ISK 21 million. Since 2011, almost 500 projects have received grants in the total amount of over ISK 225 million from Landsbankinn’s Community Fund. Community grants are intended as support for projects, including by humanitarian and charitable organisations, projects in the fields of education, research and science, projects connected to culture and the arts, preventative measures and youth activities, and environmental and nature conservation.
Sustainability Fund
Five interesting projects were awarded grants from Landsbankinn’s Sustainability Fund in the total amount of ISK 10 million. The initiatives share the common factor of having a positive impact on the environment and contributing to growing sustainability in industry and the community. The allocation process has a special focus on the energy transition and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals no. 13, on climate action, and no. 8, on decent work and economic growth.
Combined fund for the future
As of 2025, the Sustainability Fund will be merged into the Community Fund. The merged fund will no longer emphasise supporting the energy transition in the allocation process. Instead, emphasis will be placed on supporting ambitious initiatives in the field of sustainability alongside other fields of activity.
Hvatasjóður - Reykjavík University and Landsbankinn fund
The fund was established in 2023 and allocated grants for the second time in 2024. The objective is to level the playing field for access to Reykjavík University (RU) for students whose native language is not Icelandic and offer them easier access to RU’s undergraduate courses. Establishment of the fund was based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and especially goal no. 4, quality education for everyone. Recipients of the grants are exempt from tuition fees at RU the first year and Landsbankinn foots the bill.
Culture and the arts
Providing support for a wide array of cultural events, festivals and musicians allows the Bank to combine its efforts to have a positive impact and its endeavour to actively promote art and culture in Iceland.

Landsbankinn is happy to sponsor DesignMarch and participates in the festival in various ways. This year we hosted several events at our headquarters in Reykjastræti, including a conference on funding of design. The event Young talents of fashion design combined fashion, music, architecture and business in a celebration of innovation and design. In the build-up to the festival, we visited seven designers to gain insight into the projects they were working on and posted videos from the visits.
Reykjavík Pride
We support the campaign for LGBTQIA+ rights and Landsbankinn has been a proud sponsor of Reykjavík Pride since its inception. Nine entries receive grants from the Pride Parade Fund of Reykjavík Pride and Landsbankinn which provides financial support to individuals and smaller groups who participate in the Pride Parade.
Reykjavík Culture Night
We have been a key supporter of Reykjavík Cultural Night from the beginning and a sponsor of the festival. Our Reykjavík Culture Night Fund, a collaboration with Höfuðborgarstofa, supports original ideas. This year, 24 exciting projects received grants from the Culture Night Fund of Landsbankinn and the City of Reykjavík. We also invited guests to participate in an exciting tour of the art in Reykjastræti 6 and hosted a series of exciting events at Hörputorg along with our neighbours.
The Árni Magnússon Institute
In 2024, the project “In the footsteps of Árni Magnússon in the New World”, which the Bank has supported, came to an end. The aim of the project was to record manuscripts in public and private collections in both Canada and the US in a database on the website The database has been completed and includes thousands of images of Icelandic manuscripts and letters that the public in Canda and the US can now view for the first time. The database is available in both Icelandic and English and ensures scholarly access to information about Icelandic manuscripts in the New World and provides new options to undertake comparative studies.
Aldrei fór ég suður festival
Landsbankinn is one of the main sponsors of rock festival Aldrei fór ég suður, held in Ísafjörður around Easter. Landsbankinn has been a sponsor of the festival since 2010 as part of our efforts to actively foster the grassroots music scene in Iceland.
Ljósanótt - Night of Lights
Landsbankinn is a main sponsor of the Night of Lights. The festival has been held in Reykjanesbær since the year 2000. General public participation has increased steadily and one of the main aims of the festival is to be a platform for people to create, entertain others and be entertained.
Útrás concert series
In winter 2024-2035, Landsbankinn is working with Harpa Concert Hall & Conference Centre, Reykjavík Music City and broadcaster Rás 2, to organise a concert series dedicated to the grassroots of Icelandic music, across musical genres. This initiative improves access by the grassroots scene and up-and-coming artists to both facilities and audiences, and in so doing boost diversity. Another goal is to create an opportunity for music lovers to hear varied, new Icelandic music performed under optimal conditions in Iceland’s main concert hall.
Landsbankinn’s gallery website
We launched Landsbankinn's new and interesting gallery website on Reykjavík Culture Night. Its aim is to open access to the Bank’s artwork to the general public. In this first version of the website, we focus on the pieces on display in the Bank’s headquarters at Reykjastræti 6. The gallery website was developed by Sara Karen Thórisdóttir, a Web Editor at Landsbankinn, as part of her master’s course in Applied Studies in Culture and Communication at the University of Iceland.
Innovation and education
We published several educational and informative articles on private finances to our website, Umræðan. The educational content is designed for people of all ages and relevant to the economic situation and trending topics. We are increasingly using social media to reach a wider audience with our educational material, sharing educational content on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Financial instruction
We contribute to boosting financial literacy by offering financial instruction to students at upper secondary schools. This instruction is available to all upper secondary schools and is carried out in collaboration with the schools' representatives.
We are also an active participant in the project Fjármálavit, which is educational material in financial literacy for older elementary school students. The project is under the auspices of the Icelandic Financial Services Association and the National Association of Pension Funds in collaboration with members.
Gulleggið innovation competition
We sponsor Gulleggið, an annual innovation competition hosted by Klak - Icelandic Startups. The key goal of the competition is to create a platform for entrepreneurs to practice and gain experience of shaping new business ideas and operating a company. As part of the competition, participants are offered courses, advice and specialist assistance with everything from shaping a business idea to budgeting to communication with investors. In 2024, the top 10 teams were invited to give their elevator pitches to employees in Reykjastræti.
Future Programmers
The Future Programmers Fund is a social initiative to promote and increase interest in programming and effective use of equipment in domestic schools. The Fund provides financial support for schools to provide teachers with programming and technical education, for the purchase of smaller equipment for teaching purposes and donates used computer hardware. Landsbankinn is one of the Fund's patrons.
Instructional meetings
The Bank has hosted informative meetings on various topics in several locations around the country. Nearly 200 people attended a successful event on scaling businesses held at Landsbankinn in Reykjastræti. Meetings focused on cybersecurity and pension savings have also been popular, as have meetings on the real estate market and refinancing. We also hosted meetings in Polish where topics included savings, housing, pensions and cybersecurity.
Sports and youth activities
We are very interested in promoting sports and youth activities throughout Iceland. The Bank’s branches do so through direct partnership agreements with sports clubs and organisations in their local communities and we partner with various associations that operate across Iceland. We focus on support for children and youth activities in such partnerships.

Skólahreysti - Fit for School
We are the main sponsor of Skólahreysti, a sports tournament for elementary schools, and an active supporter of the competition. The aim of Skólahreysti is to encourage kids to participate in a comprehensive sports experience based on the tenets of physical education. The competition was held for the 20th time in 2024. The competition was fierce this year, with Flóaskóli finally emerging victorious.
Chess tournament Friðriksmót
The country’s strongest rapid chess tournament, Landsbankinn’s Friðriksmót – the Icelandic rapid chess tournament – was held at the Bank’s headquarters at Reykjastræti in December. Landsbankinn and the Icelandic Chess Federation have been co-hosts of Friðriksmótið, held in honour of Friðrik Ólafsson, Iceland’s first Grandmaster, for over two decades. The Icelandic Blitz Chess Championship was held at Bankinn vinnustofa, located in the Landsbankinn building in Selfoss.
Football Association of Iceland
We sponsor the Football Association of Iceland (KSÍ). Landsbankinn provides financial support for development of Icelandic football country-wide, for all youth national teams and the A-level men's and women's teams.
In recent years, Landsbankinn and KSÍ have presented a new award to players in the junior leagues throughout Iceland, the Politeness Prize. This prize is intended to encourage honourable conduct and decorum in players and others involved in matches.
Collaboration with institutions
Landsbankinn’s strong collaborative efforts with Icelandic industry aim to promote value creation, competition and improve daily life.

Icelandic Student Services and the University of Iceland Student Council
We have collaborated successfully with both Félagsstofnun stúdenta and the University of Iceland Student Council. Together, we have worked on various initiatives and hosted joint events, including the educational event “Fyrirtækið ég!” held at Háskólatorg.
Svanni - Women's Loan Guarantee Fund
We support Svanni - Women's Loan Guarantee Fund. Svanni issues guaranteed loans to companies that are majority-owned by women. The purpose of the Fund is to boost industry and encourage innovation. Svanni has for many years partnered with Landsbankinn as a credit institution.
Háskólasjóður Eimskipafélagsins fund
The Board of Directors of Eimskip University Fund awarded ISK 134.4 million in grants to PhD students at the University of Iceland in 2024. The Fund is managed by Landsbankinn. It was created in memory of Icelanders who emigrated to the USA and Canada and aims to support research students at the University of Iceland. While the Board of the Fund determines the amount for allocation each year, grant allocation is coordinated by the Board of Directors of the University of Iceland Research Fund. Since regular allocations from the Fund began in 2006, total allocation amounts to ISK 1.8 billion, ISK 500 million thereof allocated to the construction of Háskólatorg in 2006 and 2007.
Cluster initiative in tourism
We have participated in a tourism cluster initiative since the project was launched in 2012. Key companies in the travel industry, public entities and companies in tourism support branches or collaborative sectors all join forces in the cluster. Its key goal is to boost competitiveness and value-creation in the travel sector.
The Iceland Ocean Cluster
The Bank partnered with the Iceland Ocean Cluster in 2024. The partnership aims to support increased value creation in the blue economy. The focus will be on supporting start-ups developing solutions to challenges faced by more established businesses, as well as fostering entrepreneurs who create value from what was previously discarded. Landsbankinn will contribute to the project as a sponsor, with the Bank’s Fisheries Team providing advisory services to entrepreneurs.
Krýsuvíkursamtökin - exceptional company
As in previous years, Landsbankinn has made a donation to a good cause in the name of all Exceptional Companies recognised by Creditinfo. This year, the donation of ISK 4 million, goes to Krýsuvíkursamtökin.
Activity and publications by Landsbankinn Economic Research
Varied content is published by the Bank’s Economic Research department in the form of articles on the Bank’s website, as a podcast, in addition to which the department organises meetings, both in-house and out. The department plays a key role in shaping Landsbankinn's stance on developments and outlook in the economy. Its experts were highly visible in media and are popular respondents.

Strong economic analysis and publication
Hagsjá is an e-zine comprised of short articles published 1-3 times per week. The Hagsjá is published to Landsbankinn’s website, to a mail list with an extensive readership and is often the focus of media coverage. The articles discuss the economy, State finances, the real estate market, inflation outlook, tourism and more, analyse newly published statistics and contain forecasts. In Vikubyrjun, a short e-zine published every Monday, Economic Research reviews the past week and discusses the coming week on markets, publication of statistics, financial statements and more. The department’s monthly newsletter is an in-depth review of the economy and the outlook and is published in both Icelandic and English. In the past year, the Bank’s economists have also published informative articles on the Bank's website and op-eds for public media.
Podcast on the economy
The financial market, business and industry, and various facets of the economy are the subject of Landsbankinn’s accessible podcast. The topics generally reflect current issues and, in 2024, the podcast has covered policy rate decisions, inflation etc. The podcast also dove deep into the macroeconomic and inflation forecasts published by Economic Research. The podcast in intended to boost interest in economic affairs and share information in an accessible manner.
Economic forecast
The largest single event on Economic Research's calendar in 2024 was the publication and presentation of its macroeconomic forecast for 2024-2027. The forecast was presented at a well-attended meeting in Harpa Conference Centre, which was also streamed live, and the forecast was published online. Following presentation of the forecast, James Ashley, economist and Head of the EMEA and Asia Strategic Advisory Solutions team at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, addresses the meeting. The event closed with a panel where the CEOs of four export companies discussed challenges and opportunities in their sector.
Active in public debate
We continued to be active and visible in public debate. We contribute to discussion about important issues through various publications, articles, written material from the Economic Research department and radio, podcast and TV interviews about the economy, finances and other trending topics.

Action against cybercrime
We have actively shared information and educated the public about cybersecurity for several years. Throughout the year, we wrote educational articles for our own platforms, and the Bank's experts participated in interviews and were active in public discussions. We hosted numerous educational sessions on cybersecurity, including events at the Bank's headquarters in Reykjastræti, as well as in Reykjanesbær, Akureyri, and Selfoss. A Bank expert also gave a presentation at a conference organised by the Icelandic Council on Aging, provided training for welfare department staff at the City of Reykjavík, and visited community centres and assisted living facilities for the elderly. This year, we also opened a fraud hotline, which operates daily from 9:00 to 23:00. Through this service, Bank employees assist customers in responding to various fraud attempts.
Access to banking service
A special domain dedicated to Polish was added to Landsbankinn's website during the year: Landsbankinn’s app is available in three languages: Icelandic, English and Polish. We continue to offer varied other content in English and Polish with the aim of contributing to equal access to financial services and education. Special emphasis has been placed on sending urgent notifications, such as concerning fraud attempts, simultaneously in all three languages. By offering accessible material in several languages, we also promote inclusion, embrace diversity and increase awareness about financial matters.
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