Fjölskylda úti í náttúru

Sustainability and society

Positive impact on society 

We are leading in sustainability, an ambitious participant in public debate on economic affairs and an active publisher on varied informative topics. Our goal is to have a positive impact on Icelandic society and be a desirable workplace.  

Maður að störfum

Rapid developments in sustainability

In 2024, we hosted Landsbankinn’s Sustainability Forum for the third time, assessed greenhouse gas emissions from our credit portfolio for the fourth time and adopted science-based emission targets which were verified.

Fólk úti að hjóla

Organised and effective approach

We put a great deal of effort into knowing the environmental impact of our operation. We continue to analyse our carbon footprint and our impact on society. 


Emphasis on transparent disclosure

Landsbankinn’s sustainability accounting for the year 2024 provides information about sustainability at the Bank. The accounts were for the first time prepared having regard for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the guidelines of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

Starfsfólk Landsbankans

Ambitious and evolving human resources

Human resources are an integral part of all Landsbankinn’s undertakings and successes. The ambition and drive of the Bank’s employees form the foundation of the success-oriented corporate culture that characterises the Bank.  

Stelpur úti í náttúru

Solid support around the country

We participate in various projects that encourage development and progress in society and strive to throw our weight behind different projects and associations around the country. The Bank’s policy is to have a positive impact on society and we look to supporting both sports, culture and the arts, in addition to sustainability initiative, charities and education.


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