This initiative is not entirely new, but in 2024, we placed greater emphasis on enabling employees in regional branches to handle tasks that can be completed remotely.
If a customer needs service or advice but does not wish to visit a branch, their request is routed through the Hub. Within the Hub, branch employees across the country can access incoming service requests and respond by calling customers for mortgage consultations, hold virtual meetings, or handle inquiries via email, among other tasks. This approach has made a huge difference. The Hub has reduced response times, improving service accessibility and enabling the Bank to provide even better customer service. The Hub increases the diversity of tasks, opportunities and satisfaction among employees in rural Iceland.
This is yet another example of the branch network strengthening the Bank’s service. The Bank’s Customer Service Centre is located both in Reykjavík and Akureyri but its employees are based around the country. The implementation of a new service centre system has been highly successful, enabling staff from all branches to connect with the Customer Service Centre and assist in handling calls and inquiries. This has significantly reduced wait times, which is especially beneficial during peak periods. Last year, around 45 employees from branches across the country contributed to the Customer Service Centre’s work in this way.
We all recognise that branch visits have decreased, both in the capital area and in rural regions. With the Hub, we have successfully redistributed service tasks across the entire branch network, ensuring that employees can assist customers regardless of geographic location. The Hub is one of the most successful changes we have made to our branch network and customer service operations. It is a great example of how technology can be leveraged to strengthen operations in rural areas while simultaneously enhancing service nationwide.”